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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
C Commitment Details

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review hard commitments

  • What are my hard commitments?
  • What are the outstanding commitments as of today?
  • What are my committed future expenses?
  • What are the commitment details by type (salary, requisition, PO, Accounts Payable (AP) invoice)?
C Comparative Trial Balance by Object Code

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review ending balances as of a GL Period 

  • What is my trial balance?
  • What is the variance of my Statement of Position between two time periods?
  • What is the variance of my Statement of Activity between two time periods?
C Credit Card Metrics by Employee

Force Clear Metrics (FCM) dashboard

Review count and amount of SU credit card transactions that were force cleared by verifier, custodian, and award manager.

  • How many force cleared PCard and TCard transactions are there for my organization, and what is the expenditure amount?
  • For the PCard and TCard force cleared transactions for my org, who was the verifier, credit card custodian, and guarantee award manager?
  • What was the total force cleared amount?
C Credit Card Transactions

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review posted and unposted PCard and/or TCard transactions and related credit card information

  • What charges are on my organization’s travel card?
  • What are the transaction details, counts and amounts for the cardholders in my organization for a specific time period?
  • Which transactions were force approved (force cleared) in a particular range of GL periods and may need to be journaled to their proper PTAE?
C Credit Card Transactions - Aging

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review unposted PCard and/or TCard transactions

  • What charges on my organization’s travel card are not yet posted to a PTA, i.e., are aging, and how old are they?
  • Which aging transactions are pending verification or local approval and who are the employees whose actions are pending?
  • Which aging transactions are outstanding (approved locally but pending other actions)?
  • Which aging transactions are disputed?
  • Which aging transactions do not have Expense End Dates assigned?
  • Which aging transactions have a verifier or a card custodian that is no longer in their role at Stanford?
  • Which transactions have been rejected or returned to a preparer who is no longer the current verifier?