In response to a recent Financial Management Services (FMS) Learner Needs Analysis and iProcurement usability feedback from the 2021 Client Satisfaction Survey, FMS recognizes the need for “just in time” training for our user community. To that end, after a successful pilot, the FMS Financial Learning Solutions team is expanding access to a new software application that supports users as they complete activities within Oracle Financials.

How does WalkMe work?

WalkMe is an in-application support tool designed to enhance user experience in Oracle Financials by providing real-time guidance to help users effectively navigate work processes and streamline task completion. Once the WalkMe browser extension is installed, users in the Oracle Financials system can access interactive features to boost task accuracy and efficiency. WalkMe offers a suite of in-application support options, including:

  • Process Demos: Guide users through tasks with step-by-step instructions or by automatically completing parts of the process for them.
  • Tips: Provide users with timely, contextual information to assist them as they complete tasks.
  • ActionBots: Assist users by offering suggested questions in a chat interface, allowing them to complete or automate tasks efficiently.
  • Announcements: Notify users to messages that provide updates or reminders, sometimes requiring action, and often include links to resources on Fingate. 

What are the benefits of WalkMe?

New employee onboarding courses provided through the Stanford Training and Registration System (STARS) offer foundational knowledge. By combining these courses with online, in-application support, users can:

  • Deepen their understanding of financial system features
  • Reduce potential transaction errors
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve compliance with policies and guidelines

Which activities currently have WalkMe?

  • Onboarding suppliers: Supplier Query & Request tool
  • Purchasing goods and services: 
    • iProcurement (Amazon Business, SmartMart Catalog Suppliers, and Non-Catalog Requests)
    • Purchasing Card (PCard) Verification
    • SmartMart Contracts 
  • Reimbursements and expense reports: Expense Requests System
  • Managing Purchase Orders and Invoices: Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool

Who will gain access to WalkMe and how will it be installed?

Starting in December 2024 through February 2025, employees who have been granted authority to access Oracle Financials systems (such as for iProcurement and Expense Requests System) will have WalkMe auto-installed on their browsers by University IT (UIT). Employees with only basic access to Oracle Financials (SU Inquiry Tools and Workflow Notifications) will not have auto installation. Previous users of WalkMe, such as those who participated in the pilot, will retain access to WalkMe as long as they keep the extension installed.

WalkMe will be available for Oracle Financials on Chrome and Edge for Windows, and Chrome for Mac. Note: If the user was a WalkMe pilot participant and had WalkMe installed on Firefox they will not lose access to WalkMe for Oracle Financials on Firefox for Windows or Mac.

Future employees: FMS is reviewing opportunities to build the WalkMe installation into the onboarding process. Stay tuned for more information. 

Installation schedule

TimingBusiness Unit
December 9-20, 2024Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
January 6-31, 2025Alumni Association
Cont. Studies & Summer Session
Graduate School of Business
Haas Center for Public Service
Office of External Relations
Office of the General Counsel
President and Provost Offices
School of Humanities and Sciences
Undergraduate Admissions Financial Aid
Vice President for Human Resources
Vice President for the Arts
Vice Provost and Dean of Research
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Haas Center for Public Service
February 3-28, 2025 Graduate School of Education
Hoover Institution
Residential & Dining Enterprises
School of Engineering (Staff)
School of Law
Stanford Management Company
Stanford Press
University General
Vice Provost for Student Affairs
VP for Land, Buildings and Real Estate
Schedule TBD (based on UIT and Local IT Coordination)School of Medicine
School of Engineering (Faculty)
Welcome to WalkMe

How will you know when WalkMe has been installed?

Following the auto-installation of the WalkMe browser extension, when users first log in to Oracle Financials (, they will see a welcome announcement, pictured to the right.

Note for Mac users: If the user does not see the welcome announcement, University IT (UIT) recommends restarting the Chrome browser to complete the WalkMe browser extension installation.

The announcement includes a link to an introductory video showcasing WalkMe features in Oracle Financials, as well as a link to more information on Fingate. Click the “X” button in the top-right corner of the announcement to permanently close the announcement. Click the “REMIND ME LATER” button to allow the announcement to display the next day.

The WalkMe extension will also appear in the list of Extensions/Add-Ons within the user's browser, and may appear as a small icon in the navigation bar.

Getting assistance with WalkMe

WalkMe Learning Support Launcher and Menu
Send feedback about WalkMe

Users can use the following support resources depending on their need:

  • For help with WalkMe extension installations or technical errors, submit a request to the UIT Service Desk.
  • To report issues or errors with a WalkMe feature, suggest improvements or request new features to enhance your experience, use the Send Feedback link within the WalkMe Learning Support menu (pictured to the right) or submit a request to the Financial Learning Solutions team.
  • For help with Oracle financial activities or transactions, submit a request to the Financial Support Center

Learn more about WalkMe and other financial learning solutions

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