Stanford Financial Management Services (FMS) is excited to announce it has united two existing teams to form the new Responsible Purchasing Program. This team will provide programming, services, and tools to the university community to support the university’s values.

In its first year, the new team, housed under FMS Procurement Services, will focus on two key goals:

  • Support the university in achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and 
  • Improve competitive sourcing and community impact by building a broad supplier base.

A major component in getting this important work done is collaborating and engaging with the numerous groups and decision makers across campus, from those who purchase coffee cups all the way to staff who order specialized lab equipment. The integration of the two teams will enhance efficiency and effectiveness of data analytics, outreach, communications, and, ultimately, support to the university. The new team's members are pictured below along with their contact information if you’d like to learn more. Stay tuned for more ways to engage with this team and contribute toward these critical goals in the coming year.

Moira Zbella
Director of Responsible Purchasing Program

Leslie “Tru” Fleming
Associate Director of Responsible Purchasing

Annabelle Bardenheier
Scope 3 Emissions Analyst

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