Upload of bulk fund transfers to the iJournal system is enabled during certain periods of the fiscal year for individuals who have been granted special access to this functionality by the University Budget Office (UBO). See other methods of requesting fund transfers.
Upload a Bulk Fund Transfer in iJournals
Before You Start
Verify if you have the "SU iJournals Bulk Fund Transfers" authority to upload bulk fund transfers. The Bulk Fund Transfer Status area on your home page of iJournals and the Upload Bulk Fund Transfer link will be available under the Feeder/Upload link in the left column of the screen.
- Open the iJournals Bulk Fund Transfer Upload Template
- From the File menu, select Download to Microsoft Excel
- Save the downloaded upload template to your hard drive
- Complete Bulk Fund Transfer Upload Template Header
- Do not change the formatting.
- Include a justification for the bulk transfer transaction in the EXPL row at the top of the template. Include the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY so that a person that is not familiar with this transaction can understand the purpose and appropriateness of the transaction (limited to 4,000 characters).
You are able to add unique line level justifications for each debit/credit pairing in the bulk fund transfer detail (step b below). Justification information entered for iJournals fund transfers can be viewed from the iJournals Public Inquiry tab and it is displayed within the OBI Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) iJournals report.
- Feeder ID represents the budget unit.
- EXP Type/Object code should be left blank.
- You only need one END and one EOF at the very end.
- Complete Bulk Fund Transfer Detail
- For the line Description, include the Award number and name, and a brief description to help the reader understand the transfer (limited to 240 characters).
Description information entered for iJournals fund transfers can be viewed from the iJournals Public Inquiry tab and it is displayed within the OBI Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) iJournals report and the OBI Revenue and Funds Management (RFM) Fund Statement report.
- Add a unique line level Explanation/Business Justification for debit/credit pairings included in the bulk upload details. Add one justification for the pairing in the Debit row.
This is optional. If left blank, the information included in the header EXPL row will be used.
- Save the bulk fund transfer spreadsheet to your hard drive in one of the following formats:
- If using a PC, save the spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file.
- If using a MAC, save the upload spreadsheet as a text (Windows) file.
Keep a copy until you have verified the journal is approved and posted.
- Select the Upload Bulk Fund Transfer link
The Policy for Bulk Fund Transfers page appears. - Attest to the appropriateness of the fund transfer by checking the boxes to certify each required condition
- Select Next
- On the Upload a File screen, select Browse... to choose the file
- Select Upload
If the Bulk Fund Transfer file is correctly formatted, the Uploaded File screen appears showing the file was accepted for processing. Bulk fund transfer batches have keys beginning with "ijb" (different from regular iJournals, which have prefix "ij").
- Confirm that the file name shown as uploaded is the correct file
- Select Home to review the status of this Bulk FT batch
- On the home page, in the Bulk Fund Transfer Status area, the transfer appears with a status of SAVED
- A background process will validate the data.
- Validated files will be immediately routed to Fund Accounting for approval.
- Once a validated file is approved by Fund Accounting, a background process will split the file into its constituent Fund Transfers (two lines each). The Bulk Fund Transfer will then show status TRANSFERRED.
- Files that are invalid will show status INVALID. Select the INVALID link in the Bulk Fund Transfer Status area on the home page to review invalid lines. The screen will show up to 25 invalid lines in a file, and will indicate if there are more than 25 lines. Select Excel to download the full list.