linear_scale How To

Identify and Clear Organization Suspense Accounts (OSAs) for Labor

An Organization Suspense Account (OSA) is a PTA assigned to every organization (org) to capture payroll transactions when they fail to post successfully to their original PTA. 

The OSA Clearing Policy requires departments to clear suspense transactions soon after the payroll posts in Oracle or by the published OSA clearing deadlines. 

Identify OSAs to Clear Using OBI PLM Dashboard

  • Know your work assignment org(s) or suspense account PTAs, or look them up using Oracle Financials Inquiry Tools: Suspense Account Query Tool.
  • Be able to run OBI Financial Reporting for the OSA account by having Financial Reporting limits for subject area "Payroll and Labor Management" and data access limit of "Salary Data".
  • Have active authority for the Labor Distribution Adjustments system for the work assignment org associated with the employees whose salary you need to move.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your SUNet ID and password
  3. Select Dashboards to show the drop-down selections
  4. Select Payroll and Labor Management under Finance 

  1. Select Summary report
  2. Enter the work assignment org or parent org in the Organization field or PTA of the suspense account in the PTA Number field
  3. For the First Pay Period End Date and Last Pay Period End Date, enter today’s date. This ensures actual pay is not pulled but remaining charges are displayed making the report return quicker and more readable.
  4. Select Apply

  1. In the Charges Remaining section, select View By Prepare Labor Distribution Adjustment Report
  2. Identify amounts other than zero in the Amount column that need to be cleared

To compare the planned earnings to actual earnings by PTA and Expenditure Type, use the OBI Payroll and Labor Management Scheduled vs. Actual report  All transactions must be moved from the OSA, including offsetting salary on vacation (SOV) and vacation credit (VCR) entries.

Refer to How to: Create Salary Distribution Adjustment in LD
To find a labor distribution adjuster in your school or department, refer to Oracle Financials Inquiry Tools: Labor Distribution User Query.

What Happens Next?

Identify OSAs to Clear Using Labor Distribution Adjustments System

  • Have active authority to the Oracle Labor Distribution Adjustments system for the work assignment org associated with the employees needing labor distribution adjustments.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. In the Navigator pane, select SU LD Distribution Adjuster

  1. Select the At A Glance home page
  2. Scroll down to the OSA Transactions or OSA Sweep Transactions section to identify transactions to be cleared from the OSA PTA or OSA Sweep account

The OSA Transactions and OSA Sweep Transactions sections are updated on a nightly basis. The OSA Transactions section includes the Reject Code and Original PTAEs from the Labor Schedule.

  1. Select Download on the desired section to export the transactions to Excel

To compare the planned earnings to actual earnings by PTA and Expenditure Type, use the Scheduled vs. Actual report in OBI.

All transactions must be moved from the OSA, including offsetting salary on vacation (SOV) and vacation credit (VCR) entries.

Refer to How to: Create Salary Distribution Adjustment in LD
To find a labor distribution adjuster in your school or department, refer to Oracle Financials Inquiry Tools: Labor Distribution User Query.

What Happens Next?
Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024