linear_scale How To

Create iJournals Entries

There are two types of journals available within iJournals Public.

  • New Journal is used for standard transfers of expenses, make corrections or record revenue. New Journal is also used to record intercompany transfers of revenue and expense between the university and Stanford hospitals.
  • Allocation Journal is used to allocate charges from one PTA to multiple PTAs.

iJournals Public users also have access to these resources that are often referred to as journal types outside of the iJournals application:

  • Upload Journal is created by uploading transaction data from an Excel-created text file. 
  • Intercompany Transfer Journals are used to charge or pay a hospital department. These types are New Journals that include additional steps.

  iJournals allows you to transfer an expense from one account and/or expenditure type to another (PTAEO). A debit places an expense where it appropriately belongs.  A credit removes an expense from where it is currently posted.

Create New Journal Entry

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU iJournals Public
  2. Select New Journal on the iJournals Home page

  1. Select the Period for the correct month. The period can be the current open fiscal period or a future fiscal period.
  2. Enter Title for the journal
  3. Enter Justification explaining the purpose of the journal. The justification must answer the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why).Select Justification in the form for more information on requirements and samples of a well-written justification or purpose. 

  1. Enter Project, Task and Fund/Awd. (PTA) in line 10
  2. Enter Exp. Type
  3. Enter Exp. Date (use date transaction took place: DD-MMM-YY)
  4. Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
  5. Enter Debit or Credit (only one per line)
  6. Enter Description for line 10
  7. Add additional journal lines as desired

    The total of all debits and all credits must be equal.

  8. Select Next to complete data entry

  1. Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
  2. Select Next to validate again
  3. Select Next when journal is valid and saved

The approvals for new journals are based on the PTAs that are debited.

Originator Without Approval/Sufficient Authority

There must be a designated approver with sufficient approval authority. System-generated approver(s) will suffice.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed, sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments button to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete


Originator With Sufficient Approval Authority

Journals totaling $10,000 or more that do not automatically end-route require an approver. The originator must select an approver per the Financial Transaction Approval.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed; sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete 

  1. Verify the entire journal on Submit screen
  2. Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating

    If you return to either the Creation or Validation screen, any updates you made to approvers will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to the Routinglist screen.

  3. Select Next to return to Submit screen
  4. Select Submit to send journal to first approver

  1. Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
  2. Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
  3. Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
  4. Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display

  1. Click Return to Portal
  2. Click Logout
What Happens Next?
  • The journal is routed, in sequence, to the approvers and any FYI recipients listed on the routing list.
  • After the final approval, the iJournals system validates the journal a final time to ensure nothing has changed (e.g., PTA segment closed) since the transaction was submitted.
  • If the journal is valid, it will post to the General Ledger. If it is not valid, the system rejects the journal and sends a notice to the originator, with copies to approvers and/or FYI recipients. The originator must update the journal and resubmit.
  • Journal originators are responsible for monitoring the approval status of their journals. Journals must be completely approved, including end-routes, by the cut-off date each month to be included in the month's activities. Refer to Topic Overview: Month-End Close.
  • At the end of each month, the Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS) group will change the period of any unapproved journals in the system to the following month (e.g., the period for any November journals not approved by the cut-off will automatically be changed to December). An unapproved journal will remain active in the system until it is fully approved.

Create Allocation Journal Entry

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU iJournals Public
  2. Select Allocation Journal on the iJournals Home page

The Allocation Journal form will not open unless all checkboxes are selected.

  1. Read Important Policy Information
  2. Read and select each checkbox under I hereby certify that:
  3. Select Next

  1. Select the Period for the correct month. The period can be the current open fiscal period or a future fiscal period.
  2. Enter Title for the journal
  3. Enter Justification explaining the purpose of the journal. The justification must answer the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why).Select Justification in the form for more information on requirements and samples of a well-written justification or purpose. 

  1. Enter first Project, Task, and Fund/Awd. (PTA) in line 10
  2. Enter Exp. Type
  3. Enter Exp. Date (use date transaction took place: DD-MMM-YY)
  4. Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
  5. Enter Debit or Credit (only one per line)
  6. Enter Description for line 10
  7. Repeat for line 20
    Usually an Allocation Journal has only one credit. The total of all debits and all credits must be equal. All credits must be either PTAE or PFOO, not both.
  8. Select Next to complete data entry

  1. Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
  2. Select Next to validate again
  3. Select Next when journal is valid and saved

The approvals for allocation journals are based on the PTAs that are credited.

Originator without Approval/Sufficient Authority

There must be a designated approver with sufficient approval authority. System-generated approver(s) will suffice.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed, sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments button to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete
Originator With Sufficient Approval Authority

Journals totaling $10,000 or more that do not automatically end-route require an approver. The originator must select an approver per the Financial Transaction Approval.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed; sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete 

  1. Verify the entire journal on Submit screen
  2. Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating

    If you return to either the Creation or Validation screen, any updates you made to approvers will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to the Routinglist screen.

  3. Select Next to return to Submit screen
  4. Select Submit to send journal to first approver

  1. Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
  2. Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
  3. Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
  4. Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display

  1. Click Return to Portal
  2. Click Logout
What Happens Next?
  • The journal is routed, in sequence, to the approvers and any FYI recipients listed on the routing list.
  • After the final approval, the iJournals system validates the journal a final time to ensure nothing has changed (e.g., PTA segment closed) since the transaction was submitted.
  • If the journal is valid, it will post to the General Ledger. If it is not valid, the system rejects the journal and sends a notice to the originator, with copies to approvers and/or FYI recipients. The originator must update the journal and resubmit.
  • Journal originators are responsible for monitoring the approval status of their journals. Journals must be completely approved, including end-routes, by the cut-off date each month to be included in the month's activities. Refer to Topic Overview: Month-End Close.
  • At the end of each month, the Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS) group will change the period of any unapproved journals in the system to the following month (e.g., the period for any November journals not approved by the cut-off will automatically be changed to December). An unapproved journal will remain active in the system until it is fully approved.

Create Journal Entries Using Upload Template

  1. Open iJournals Upload Template in Excel
  2. Read the Instructions included in the file 
  3. Print a copy for future reference

  1. Delete rows 43-166 and rows 1-3
  2. Enter the Journal Date in cell B1
  3. Enter the Period in cell C1
  4. Enter the Category in cell D1
    Categories include New Journal and Allocation Journal.
  5. Enter the Title in cell E1
  6. Enter the Justification in cell B2

  1. Enter the first Project in cell B3
  2. Enter the Task in cell C3
  3. Enter the Fund/Award in cell D3
  4. Enter the Exp. Type/Object Code in cell E3
  5. Enter the Exp. Item Dt in cell F3
  6. Enter Employee ID in cell G3
    • Employee ID is not used at this time, used for Feeder Journals
  7. Leave column H blank.
  8. Enter Line Description in cell I3
    • Line description is displayed on the Expenditure Detail Report.
  9. If the line is a debit, enter Debit Amount in cell J3
  10. If the line is a credit, enter Credit Amount in cell K3
  11. Insert new DETL rows as needed, and repeat until all of the debits and credits have been entered

  1. Enter the Debit Total in cell F1
  2. Save the upload spreadsheet file
    • PC: Save the upload spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file.
    • MAC: Save the upload spreadsheet as a Text (Windows) file.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU iJournals Public
  2. Select Upload link on the iJournals Home page

  1. Browse to the file and select Open 
  2. Select Upload on the Upload a File page
  3. Select Home tab
    Select Justification for more information on requirements and samples.

  1. Select the Journal Number of the uploaded journal from the Journals at a Glance section of the iJournals Home page
  2. Check the data in the uploaded journal
  3. Select Next when finished

  1. Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
  2. Select Next to validate again
  3. Select Next when journal is valid and saved

Depending on the journal form type, approvers are selected based on either PTAs debited or credited.

Originator Without Approval/Sufficient Authority

There must be a designated approver with sufficient approval authority. System-generated approver(s) will suffice.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed, sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments button to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete
Originator With Sufficient Approval Authority

Journals totaling $10,000 or more that do not automatically end-route require an approver. The originator must select an approver per the Financial Transaction Approval.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    • Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed; sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments to add an attachment
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete 

  1. Check the entire journal on Submit page
  2. Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating
  3. Select Next to return to Submit page
  4. Select Submit to send journal to first approve

  1. Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
  2. Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
  3. Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
  4. Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display

  1. Click Return to Portal
  2. Click Logout
What Happens Next?
  • The journal is routed, in sequence, to the approvers and any FYI recipients listed on the routing list.
  • After the final approval, the iJournals system validates the journal a final time to ensure nothing has changed (e.g., PTA segment closed) since the transaction was submitted.
  • If the journal is valid, it will post to the General Ledger. If it is not valid, the system rejects the journal and sends a notice to the originator, with copies to approvers and/or FYI recipients. The originator must update the journal and resubmit.
  • Journal originators are responsible for monitoring the approval status of their journals. Journals must be completely approved, including end-routes, by the cut-off date each month to be included in the month's activities. Refer to Topic Overview: Month-End Close.
  • At the end of each month, the Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS) group will change the period of any unapproved journals in the system to the following month (e.g., the period for any November journals not approved by the cut-off will automatically be changed to December). An unapproved journal will remain active in the system until it is fully approved.

Create Intercompany Transfer Journal Entry

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU iJournals Public
  2. Select New Journal on the iJournals Home page

  1. Select the Period for the correct month. The period can be the current open fiscal period or a future fiscal period.
  2. Enter Title for the journal
  3. Enter Justification explaining the purpose of the journal. The justification must answer the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why).Select Justification in the form for more information on requirements and samples of a well-written justification or purpose. 

The total of all debits and credits must be equal.

Record Expenses Paid to the Hospitals
  1. Enter Debit side of the journal
    1. Enter Project, Task and Award (PTA) of the university department that is incurring the expense in line 10
    2. Enter the Expenditure Type (Choose from the list of intercompany expenditure types)
      • All intercompany expenditure types begin with 59XXX.
      • If the expense is related to SHC, the expenditure type will be between 59110 and 59499.
      • If the expense is related to LPCH, the expenditure type will be between 59610 and 59999.
    3. Enter Exp. Date (use the date the transaction took place. Format: DD-MMM-YY or DD-MMM-YYYY)
    4. Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
    5. Enter a Debit for the amount of the transaction
    6. Enter Description for line 10
  2. Enter Credit side of the journal
    1. Enter 1095535 in the Project field
    2. Enter Task

      The task will be determined by the expenditure type used on the debit side of the transaction. View the list of intercompany expenditure types and their corresponding tasks.

    3. Enter Award
      • If the revenue is being transferred from SHC, the award is ATZAA.
      • If the revenue is being transferred from LPCH, the award is ATZAB.
    4. Enter the 59059 INTERCO PAYABLE – SHC & LPCH ONLY in the Expenditure Type field
      This expenditure type auto-accounts to an intercompany liability account on the Balance Sheet.
    5. Enter Exp. Date (use the date the transaction took place. Format: DD-MMM-YY or DD-MMM-YYYY)
    6. Enter a Dept. Ref (consider using this for the Hospital Cost Center number)
      • The cost center number is 9 digits for SHC and 11 digits for LPCH and must be provided by someone at SHC or LPCH. 
      • The cost center number needs to be added at least in the Dept Ref. field or the Description field of each line item.
  3. Enter a Credit for the amount of the transaction
  4. Enter a Description for line 20, including Hospital Cost Center number
    • The cost center number is 9 digits for SHC and 11 digits for LPCH and must be provided by someone at SHC or LPCH. 
    • The cost center number needs to be added at least in the Dept Ref. field or the Description field of each line item.
  5. Complete the data entry
  6. Select Next when finished
Record Revenue from the Hospitals
  1. Enter Debit side of the journal
    1. Enter 1095535 in the Project field
    2. Enter Task

      The task will be determined by the revenue object code used on the credit side of the transaction. View the list of intercompany revenue object codes and their corresponding tasks.

    3. Enter Award
      • If the revenue is being transferred from SHC, the award is ATZAA.
      • If the revenue is being transferred from LPCH, the award is ATZAB.
    4. Enter the 59042 INTERCO REC – SHC & LPCH ONLY in the Expenditure Type field
      This expenditure type auto-accounts to an intercompany receivable account on the Balance Sheet.
    5. Enter Exp. Date (use the date the transaction took place. Format: DD-MMM-YY or DD-MMM-YYYY)
    6. Enter a Dept. Ref (consider using this for the Hospital Cost Center number)
      • The cost center number is 9 digits for SHC and 11 digits for LPCH and must be provided by someone at SHC or LPCH.
      • The cost center number needs to be added at least in the Dept Ref. field or the Description field of each line item.
    7. Enter a Debit for the amount of the transaction
    8. Enter a Description for line 10, including Hospital Cost Center number
      • The cost center number is 9 digits for SHC and 11 digits for LPCH and must be provided by someone at SHC or LPCH.
      • The cost center number needs to be added at least in the Dept Ref. field or the Description field of each line item.
  2. Enter Credit side of the journal
    1. Enter Project, Task and Fund/Award (PTA) of the university department that will be recognizing the revenue in line 20
    2. Enter the Revenue Object Code (Choose from the list of intercompany revenue object codes)
      • All intercompany revenue object codes begin with 42XXX:
        • If the revenue is coming from SHC, then the object code will be between 42110 and 42499.
        • If the revenue is coming from LPCH, then the object code will be between 42610 and 42999.
    3. Enter Exp. Date (use the date the transaction took place. Format: DD-MMM-YY or DD-MMM-YYYY)
    4. Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
    5. Enter a Credit for the amount of the transaction
    6. Enter Description for line 20
  3. Complete the data entry
  4. Select Next when finished

  1. Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
  2. Select Next to validate again
  3. Select Next when journal is valid and saved

Depending on the journal form type, approvers are selected based on either PTAs debited or credited. There must be a designated approver with sufficient approval authority. System-generated approver(s) will suffice.

  1. Add or change Approver Name(s) as appropriate
    • The university requires one approver from the originator's department before adding Sam (Chi Seng) Chan at FAIR as a second approver.
    • You may not modify end-route designations.
    • If you update a system-generated approver(s) and then visit a previous page, your updates will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to this screen.
  2. Add FYI recipients as desired
  3. Re-sequence approvers as desired
    Originators may sequence approvers as desired by overriding the assigned sequence number (duplicate numbers are not allowed; sequence numbers must be unique). Once the journal is fully approved, the completed workflow notification will be sent to the originator.
  4. Select Attachments to add an attachment 
    • The Upload Attachments page will launch in a new browser window.
  5. Select Next when routing list entries are complete

  1. Verify the entire journal on Submit screen
  2. Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating

    If you return to either the Creation or Validation screen, any updates you made to approvers will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to the Routinglist screen.

  3. Select Next to return to Submit screen
  4. Select Submit to send journal to first approver

  1. Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
  2. Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
  3. Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
  4. Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display

  1. Click Return to Portal
  2. Click Logout
What Happens Next?
  • The journal is routed, in sequence, to the approvers and any FYI recipients listed on the routing list.
  • After the final approval, the iJournals system validates the journal a final time to ensure nothing has changed (e.g., PTA segment closed) since the transaction was submitted.
  • If the journal is valid, it will post to the General Ledger. If it is not valid, the system rejects the journal and sends a notice to the originator, with copies to approvers and/or FYI recipients. The originator must update the journal and resubmit.
  • Journal originators are responsible for monitoring the approval status of their journals. Journals must be completely approved, including end-routes, by the cut-off date each month to be included in the month's activities. Refer to Topic Overview: Month-End Close.
  • At the end of each month, the Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS) group will change the period of any unapproved journals in the system to the following month (e.g., the period for any November journals not approved by the cut-off will automatically be changed to December). An unapproved journal will remain active in the system until it is fully approved.
Last Updated: Dec 4, 2024