- iJournals Specialist users with Accrual Responsibility for Accounts Payable (AP) journals can generate accrual journals to recognize expenses that have been incurred in one reporting period but the invoice has not been fully matched in that period.
- iJournals Specialist users with Accrual Responsibility for Accounts Receivable (AR) journals can generate accrual journals to recognize revenue that has been earned in one reporting period but the related cash amounts have not been received.
- The accrual journal can be scheduled to automatically reverse itself in a future designated period.
Create Accounts Payable (AP) Accrual Journal
Before You Start
- To request iJournals AP accrual access, submit the iJournals Responsibility Request Form to Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS).
- For the proper expenditure types and object codes to use, refer to Guideline for Accruing Expenses.
- Be familiar with the rules for allowability of costs in order to properly code transactions. Refer to Topic Overview: Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes.
- For information on university policy for iJournals expense transfers, refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.2.2: Cost Transfers.
- Enter ofweb.stanford.edu in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU iJournals Specialist
- Select AP Accrual Journal from the iJournals Home page
- Read Authorization Information
- Select Next
- Verify Journal Type is displayed as AP Accrual
- Select Accrual Period for correct month
- If applicable, select Reversal Period
- Reversal Period will automatically default to the next open period unless Accrual Period = AUG-20XX. You may change the default to any future month by selecting the desired month from the drop-down menu.
- Effective Accrual Date will be populated during the Validation step.
- Enter Title for the journal
- Enter Justification explaining the purpose of the journal
- The justification must answer the five Ws (who, what, when, where and why).
- Select Justification in the form for more information on business purpose requirements and samples.
- Enter Project, Task and Fund/Awd. (PTA) in line 10
- Enter Exp. Type 5xxxx or Object Code 21300
- Enter Exp. Date (use date transaction took place: DD-MMM-YY)
- Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
- Enter Debit or Credit (only one per line)
- Enter Description for line 10
- Add additional journal lines as desired
- Select Next when finished to complete data entry
- Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
- Select Next to validate again
- Select Next when journal is valid and saved
Depending on the journal form type, approvers are selected based on PTAs debited or credited. All Accounts Payable Accrual journals will be routed to AP ENDROUTE for approval.
Journals totaling $10,000 or more require an approver. The originator must select their manager, a peer in another department or a Central Office staff member as an approver.
- Verify the entire journal on Submit screen
- Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating
If you return to either the Creation or Validation screen, any updates you made to approvers will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to the Routinglist screen.
- Select Next to return to Submit screen
- Select Submit to send journal to first approver
- Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
- Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
- Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
- Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display
- Click Return to Portal
- Click Logout
After the accrual journal has been fully approved, the accrual and reversal journals will be present in the Journals at a Glance section of the Home page. If a journal is not displayed in the Journals at a Glance section, you may need to perform a search in the Public Inquiry tab.
- From the iJournals Home page, select Public Inquiry tab
- Search for the reversal journal to validate
- In the Results section, select the Select radio button for the journal number
- Select Select to access Journal Display page
- Validate that entries in the following fields are correct:
- Number: ij<unique journal number>
- Journal Type: AP Accrual Reversal
- Title: "REVERSES ij<accrual journal number>" with original accrual description
- Debit Total: The amount must match the accrual journal
- Status: Approved
Refer to How to: Search and Edit an Accrual Reversal Journal.
Create Accounts Receivable (AR) Accrual Journal
Before You Start
- To request iJournals AR accrual access, submit the iJournals Responsibility Request Form to Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS).
- For the proper expenditure types and object codes to use, refer to Guideline for Accruing Revenue.
- Be familiar with the rules for allowability of costs in order to properly code transactions. Refer to Topic Overview: Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes.
- For information on university policy for iJournals expense transfers, refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.2.2: Cost Transfers.
- Enter ofweb.stanford.edu in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU iJournals Specialist
- Select AR Accrual Journal from the iJournals Home page
- Read Authorization Information
- Select Next
- Verify Journal Type is displayed as AR Accrual
- Select Accrual Period for correct month
- Select Reversal Period for correct month
Effective Accrual Date will be populated during the Validation step. The Effective Accrual Date will be set to the last day of the Accrual Period. - Enter Title for the journal
- Enter Justification explaining the purpose of the journal
Select Justification for more information on requirements and samples.
- Enter Project, Task and Fund/Awd. (PTA) in line 10
- Enter Exp. Type
- Enter Exp. Date (use date transaction took place: DD-MMM-YY)
- Enter Dept. Ref (optional)
- Enter Debit or Credit (only one per line)
- Enter Description for line 10
- Add additional journal lines as desired
The total of all debits and all credits must be equal.
- Select Next to complete data entry
- Select Previous to return to Creation page and correct any errors
- Select Next to validate again
- Select Next when journal is valid and saved
Depending on the journal form type, approvers are selected based on either PTAs debited or credited.
Journals totaling $10,000 or more that do not automatically end-route require an approver. The originator must select an approver per the Financial Transaction Approval.
- Verify the entire journal on Submit screen
- Select Previous to return to any page that needs updating
If you return to either the Creation or Validation screen, any updates you made to approvers will be retained; however, due to system validation rules, the system-generated approver(s) will automatically be added when you return to the Routinglist screen.
- Select Next to return to Submit screen
- Select Submit to send journal to first approver
- Select Journal Number in Submit Journal page
- Select Printer Friendly (pdf) in Journal Display
- Select Print in Adobe window to print journal (not Print button in browser window)
- Select Back in Browser window to return to Journal Display
- Click Return to Portal
- Click Logout
After the accrual journal has been fully approved, the accrual and reversal journals will be present in the Journals at a Glance section of the Home page. If a journal is not displayed in the Journals at a Glance section, you may need to perform a search in the Public Inquiry tab.
- From the iJournals Home page, select Public Inquiry tab
- Search for the reversal journal to validate
- In the Results section, select the Select radio button for the journal number
- Select Select to access Journal Display page
- Validate that entries in the following fields are correct:
- Number: ij<unique journal number>
- Journal Type: AP Accrual Reversal
- Title: "REVERSES ij<accrual journal number>" with original accrual description
- Debit Total: The amount must match the accrual journal
- Status: Approved
Refer to How to: Search and Edit an Accrual Reversal Journal.