school Learning

FIN-0402: Expense Reports with Travel Card Transactions

This course is required for individuals assigned to validate Travel Card (TCard) charges and document TCard expense information in  expense reports using the Expense Requests system.

The course should be taken by active Stanford University employees who need to be granted authority as TCard verifiers, responsible for handling TCard transactions and preparing expense reports (including TCard cardholders who will be acting as their own verifier).

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the TCard transaction process
  • Search for and view outstanding TCard transactions and transaction history
  • Manage the Expense End Date and Preparer Notes
  • Prepare an expense report with TCard transactions
  • Identify and resolve fraudulent or erroneous TCard transactions

Web (Self-paced)

Approximately 40 minutes

Prior to enrolling in this course, complete prerequisite courses in the learning path below.

FIN-0402: Expense Reports with Travel Card Transactions

Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024


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