linear_scale How To

Search for Expense Request Transactions

The Search tab, located in the upper left in the Expense Requests system, allows a search for previously submitted Expense Requests or historical iOU transactions. You can search for Expense Requests transactions or historical iOU transactions but not transactions from both systems at once.

Search for Expense Request Transactions

Transaction number is the fastest way to search for a specific transaction. A combination of search criteria can be used if the transaction number is not available. When searching Expense Requests or iOU transactions, certain search criteria may require specifying a date range up to 6 months in duration.
Some search criteria do not require a date range and, therefore, return all results, regardless of transaction date (up to 400 rows).

Transactions that match all the entered search criteria will be displayed. If you have sufficient privilege, you can access transaction and payment details, withdraw from the approval workflow or copy to begin a new transaction.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests
  2. Select Expense Requests

  1. Select the Search tab in the upper left
  2. Select transaction system source by choosing Expense Requests or iOU in the Source field (Expense Requests is the default)
  3. Enter desired search criteria (refer to following definitions)
    Search Criteria Notes
    Transaction No. Enter the Expense Requests Transaction Number
    • To find a historical iOU transaction, set the Source field to iOU and enter the iOU Transaction Number
    Payee, Preparer, Approver Enter any one of the name options (payee, preparer or approver). The required format is Last Name, First Name.
    • Select the magnifying glass icon to search for a name
    • Names are searchable even if the individual no longer works at Stanford
    Status Select transaction status from the drop-down menu
    • A transaction must be previously submitted by the preparer to be found in the search
    • Statuses of Saved, In Progress, Returned, Rejected or Withdrawn are not available for search
    • Some statuses listed are from the historical iOU system
    Event Name Enter the full or partial Event Name
    • Select the magnifying glass icon to confirm and select the event
    • Both domestic and foreign Event Names will appear in the search results
    • Inactive Event Names will not be included in the search results
    • Event Names cannot be shared by multiple preparers
    • Only one Event Name can be selected for the transaction search
    Source The Source field is used to indicate the source system for the transaction search
    • Select Expense Requests to search for Expense Requests transactions (expense reports, advances, non-PO payments, petty cash replenishment)
    • Select iOU to search for historical iOU transactions
    Project and Award To search by project number (7-digits), including a date range will help limit search results. Including payee or preparer's name also helps limit results.
    • If there is more than one award for the given project, it is recommended to include the award (letters)
    From and To Dates Enter Date From and Date To to search a date range of up to 6 months duration
    • The date range refers to when the transaction was created
    • Note: From and To Dates will be required for some combinations of search criteria
    From and To Amount Range Enter a From and To Amount Range to limit the search results to a total dollar (USD) amount range. The search results will return a list of transactions within the dollar range.
    Advance Clearing Date Enter an Advance Clearing Date to include Advance request transactions with the clearing date entered
  4. Select Go to see transactions that meet all search criteria
  5. Select Transaction Number to see transaction details
  6. Select the Copy icon (if available) to start a new transaction with a copy of the selected transaction
  7. Select the Withdraw icon to remove the transaction from the approval workflow
  8. Select the Payment icon (if available) to display payment details and payment status
  9. Select Export to save the transaction list as an Excel(.tsv) file
  10. Select Full View on the top right to view a printable Transaction Summary of the transaction
Last Updated: Sep 13, 2022


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