school Learning

FIN-PROG-0103: Approving Financial Transactions

This online, two-year certification course describes the responsibilities of those who approve transactions in Oracle Financials. This includes iProcurement, PCard, Expense Requests, iJournals and Labor Distribution Adjustment transactions. This course, and other courses in the Learning Path below, is required for Requisition, Expense Journal and Labor Distribution Approval authority privileges.
Requisition approvers are also required to take FIN-0400: Traveling for Stanford.

By completing this course, you should be able to: 

  • Identify the various roles involved in the financial transaction approval process
  • Recognize how these roles must all work together to steward the university's resources effectively
  • Review the responsibilities of approvers, especially as they relate to safeguarding the university against fraud, waste and abuse
  • Explain key concepts such as cost policy and restrictions and how to apply them when reviewing financial transactions for approval
  • Describe the process for approving and evaluating financial transactions
  • Recognize the correct actions to take — and why — when presented with different financial transaction scenarios

To complete this course, you will need to pass the final test with a score of 80% or higher.

Web (Self-paced)

Self-paced (approximately 45 minutes)

To access the system below, you must complete this course and be granted proper authority.

System Access
Oracle Workflow Notifications
Financial System > Approvals > Requisitions
Financial System > Approvals > Expense Journal
Financial System > Approvals > Labor Distribution
Financial System > Membership > End-Route Approval

Prior to enrolling in this course, complete prerequisite courses in the learning path below.

FIN-PROG-0103: Approving Financial Transactions

Oracle Workflow Notifications
Financial System > Approvals > Requisitions
Financial System > Approvals > Expense Journal
Financial System > Approvals > Labor Distribution
Financial System > Membership > End-Route Approval

Utilize these checklists introduced in the course to ensure compliance with university policies:

Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024


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