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  • Business Expense Updates and Hot Topics

    The university pays directly or reimburses individuals for expenses that are necessary and appropriate to conduct university business. Expenditures must be consistent with the university’s purchasing policies and guidelines as well as the guiding principles and IRS regulations with regard to...
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  • Improvements to ERS and PCard Module Save Time for Transaction Preparers and Verifiers

    With over 140,000 Expense Requests System (ERS) reimbursements and 260,000 Purchasing Card (PCard) transactions each year, the FMS Procurement Services team is continuously identifying and implementing improvements to make these processes as efficient and effective as possible. Effective February 10...
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  • Travel Mealsopen_in_new

    Updated daily maximum (actuals) reimbursement rates for domestic and foreign meals. Effective Jan. 16, 2025.
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  • Change Roadmap: Upcoming Projects and Enhancements

    This page serves as a one-stop shop for departments and stakeholders across Stanford to stay up to date with projects and enhancements, as well as associated resources to support them.
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