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  • Continuous Improvements to Fingate

    FMS is continuously working to improve the Fingate user experience. Planned and completed changes range from search improvements, navigation updates and content revisions. Learn more about recent and upcoming changes on this news page.
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  • Supporting financial excellence: Updated iJournals access model and required training

    Members of the university community play a critical role in safeguarding Stanford’s resources. At Stanford, financial stewardship means ensuring that university resources are used appropriately, in support of the mission, and comply with policies, laws, and sponsor or donor intent. A key part of... Effective Feb. 5, 2024, iJournals system access will require the completion of training and granting of authority privilege.
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  • Stanford Travel Newsletter: Fall 2023open_in_new

    Topics include: How the Stanford Travel and Global Risk Teams Support Travelers, New: Hertz Car Rental Agreement for University-Sponsored Travel, A Successful Stanford Travel Forum, Participate in a Study To Help You Reduce Your Travel Emissions, In Case You Missed It resources, and other resources.
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  • Supporting University Travelers: Stanford Travel and Global Risk Teams

    When the conflict escalated this fall in the Middle East, Stanford responded quickly. Thanks to travel registration, Global Risk and Stanford Travel rapidly made contact with travelers who were there when the conflict began, as well as those planning to travel to the impacted regions. While Global...
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  • November 2023 Upgrades to Oracle Financials and OBI system

    Oracle Financials and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) system upgrades complete The planned system upgrades to OBI and Oracle Financials are complete. To help users' experience within the upgraded environments, we advise: - For OBI: Log into and update existing browser...
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  • Updated Card Suspension Process to Support Proper Use

    An updated suspension process for individual (not departmental) Purchasing Cards (PCards) and Travel Cards (TCards) rolls out in Fiscal Year 2024. Designed to reduce risk to the university and encourage financial stewardship of these university-issued credit cards, the updated suspension process... Updated article on October 9, 2023
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  • OBI News: Fall 2023open_in_new

    In this issue: The new RFM Projected Budget Variance Report, drop-in OBI ad hoc training, and more.
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  • Updated resources to support honoraria and human subject payments

    There has been a significant increase in the number of honoraria payments and payments to human subjects, including related travel reimbursements, since university operations fully resumed following the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, from calendar year 2019 to 2022, the number of honoraria...
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  • Stanford Travel Newsletter: Summer 2023open_in_new

    Topics include: Save the Date: October Stanford Travel Forum, Four Options to Meet Your Travel Needs, Win Airline Tickets, UA Club Passes, and More, Stanford Travel Packet Resource Updated, New Phone Number for Egencia Agent Support, In Case You Missed It resources, and other resources.
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  • Streamlined Delivery and Pick Up Options for Will Call Payments

    Effective July 31, 2023, a streamlined process and tools will make it easier to receive Will Call check payments for purchase order invoices and Expense Requests transactions. About the new process After a Will Call payment is requested for an Expense Requests transaction or a purchase order invoice...
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