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  • Stanford Travel Updates and Hot Topics

    Many students, post-doctoral scholars, faculty, and staff travel on behalf of Stanford. To be reimbursed for this travel, travelers, and travel arrangers must follow university policy; in most cases airfare for university-sponsored travel must be booked through a Stanford Travel booking channel...
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  • Enhancements to increase procurement efficiency

    Procurement Services, part of Stanford Financial Management Services (FMS), continuously examines opportunities to enhance processes or provide new solutions to support purchasing activities for the university while maintaining financial stewardship excellence. Areas of opportunity under review are...
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  • Business Expense Updates and Hot Topics

    The university pays directly or reimburses individuals for expenses that are necessary and appropriate to conduct university business. Expenditures must be consistent with the university’s purchasing policies and guidelines as well as the guiding principles and IRS regulations with regard to...
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  • Key Travel: Helping Campus With Complex and International Travel

    In the year since the Key Travel booking channel launched last March, they have supported numerous university programs and group travel for faculty, staff, and students across campus. Key Travel has supported travel for ten programs and nine groups across several university departments. Additionally...
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  • New Egencia Guest Booking Process

    In August 2023, Egencia launched a new Guest Registration Template feature to enhance the guest booking process, replacing the legacy "Guest of" profile. All active Egencia guest travel arrangers were notified via email of this change at that time, receiving instructions to ensure a smooth...
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  • Continuous Improvements to Fingate

    FMS is continuously working to improve the Fingate user experience. Planned and completed changes range from search improvements, navigation updates and content revisions. Learn more about recent and upcoming changes on this news page.
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  • Supporting University Travelers: Stanford Travel and Global Risk Teams

    When the conflict escalated this fall in the Middle East, Stanford responded quickly. Thanks to travel registration, Global Risk and Stanford Travel rapidly made contact with travelers who were there when the conflict began, as well as those planning to travel to the impacted regions. While Global...
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  • Tax Reminders and Resources

    New Year Tax Reminders and Resources Whether it’s where to find tax documents or how to look up or change withholding allowances, below are commonly-used resources to help you navigate tax season. Get help with questions about tax dates and documents.
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  • Creating Opportunities through the Supplier Diversity Initiative

    Suppliers play a critical role in enabling the university to realize its mission and live its values. Given the critical role of the supplier and Stanford's decentralized purchasing approach which allows individual departments to make purchasing decisions that are tailored to their specific needs...
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  • Streamlined Delivery and Pick Up Options for Will Call Payments

    Effective July 31, 2023, a streamlined process and tools will make it easier to receive Will Call check payments for purchase order invoices and Expense Requests transactions. About the new process After a Will Call payment is requested for an Expense Requests transaction or a purchase order invoice...
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